
Sunday 18th December 2009

Annie came home today, we had some family friends over, and two of her friends came past briefly to say hello.

She's due for the button operation this week (so food can go directly into her gut, since everytime she has chemo she loses ability to eat & swallow enough nutrients)

I did some quick shopping in the morning before she came home, managed to get

a photoframe for my fish eye photo's
running shorts & top
everyday face sunscreen

& dropped off my 2nd roll of fish eye film, need to pick that up in 2 days yay!

spent the rest of the day at home, jeremy came around with his hard drive (thanks for the movies!), had planned to make some rainbow cupcakes but didnt have time to! maybe next weekend hehe

ended the day with some tennis with Sambath, Julie & Jack- that was fun!! I should of brought along my nikon, the sky was a beautiful peach pink colour

rushed back to Rick's house to check on a bidding i made on this baby - & i won it! @ $81 (what was i thinking? i dont care i really wanted one, i dont even have space for it in my room!!)



Duy said...

i bet if you had a bigger room it be full of a whole lot of things from ebay and all that haha

xxx said...

show us the photos from fish eye!!! :D

xxx said...

ps. rainbow cupcakes are too cute!

rlam85 said...

3 photos?!?! PROJECT 370! lol