One of Annie's Starlight wishes came true today, a cruise around Sydney harbour with the family, along with lunch!
Captain cook cruises, took us around the harbour for 2 hrs, & provided a seafood lunch buffet. i was so happy to be as a family, something which is hard to do otherwise, and Annie had a great time..
After the cruise ended we still had 1.5 hrs left before the taxi came, so we walked from the wharf to chinatown, where we browsed the shops, and bought some snacks.
I found a phone that i wanna get, its $550 outright, the NOKIA E71 (pic here) its so sexy!! I'll be getting it on my next pay ^.^
Me & Linda headed home first while Annie & mom & dad waited for a tAXI back to the hospital, i had to get my nikon looked at @ Parramatta, there was an annoying black dot in all of my foto's and i couldnt get rid of it (it ended up being a small flick of dust on the lens on the inside, it got blown out, no charge so yay)
I didnt' know shops closed at 5, i thought i had another half an hour to shop :( so back to the car, i lost my friggin ticket! Had to pay $20!!! even though i was only in westfields for less then an hour -_-
Anyway, bad luck, that should teach me to put my tickets in a safe place (and not inbetween my legs, making it fall onto the ground when i get out of the car!!)
I went home, got changed & went to pick up Rick for a run around Iron Cove (7km, which we did in 50 minutes!!)
While we were running, we watched the sun come down it was beautiful, but by the time we got back to the car there was no more opportunity for photos booo
We ended the night with Japanese dinner @ Sakae in the city, and a beer @ the red oak (there goes all the carbs we burned during the run ><)
Piccies here & here
aww how nice for you and the family, a day out with each other. must've been a sentimental time
it's good that you guys got to go out as a family :) and that run was awesome babe, we gotta do it again!
lovely to see that annie had her wish come true. memories to always cherish.
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