Richard thinks i would be a cool primary teacher =P I also love collecting stickers i had some really cool spongebob ones but i cant find them my room is a total mess >.<
28th September 2008
27th September 2008
Headed off to the hospital today to stay with Annie while my mom & dad went home to relax for abit. She was good today, no seizures, Richard came in and we just chatted and mucked around tasting jelly bellys. She dozed in and out of sleep in the afternoon, she does this alot once she snoozes -no noise can wake her up eheh
When my parents came in me & Richard took my car to the city for dinner mexican @ Baja Cantina @ Glebe, drove with the top down, with the warm breeze running through our hair, hardly even hearing the radio, yelling at eachother to hear each other ahhhhhh xD
Before dinner we browsed Gleebooks and i purchased this book, and letter stationary set (so cute i love this lil monkeyy)
There's a movie based on this book (search CANDY, with Heath Ledger and Abby Cornish whom i adoorreee she is so pretty and i love her acting)
Luke Davies - CANDY:' expertly maps the constricted corridor of love and addiction'
The confronting, dark, sexy and tender cult bestseller, illuminated by moments of redemption, pure love and finaly, hope.
Candy is a compelling journey into the heart of addiction. its claustrophobia and momentum. Is is also an unforgttable love story. From the heady narcissism of the narrators first days with his new love, Candy, and the relative innocence of their shared habit (the drug, heroine). Candy charts their spiralling, obsessive descent into addiction.
The movie was shot in sydney, and i think there are in newtown at one point of the movie.
26th September 2008
As you can see shes got a tube up her nose now - due to all the mouth ulcers & sore throat she can't eat or swallow, and theres a suction tube for when she has saliva in her mouth - she cant even swallow her saliva .. :(
I'm spending the day with her tomorrow so yay :) She's been on seizure meds so her seizures are happening only .. once or not even per day
There's only about.. 2 weeks until she finishes treatment, im not sure what happens after that of even if the tumour has been 100% killed - if so, then she starts physiotherapy so she can start walking again (she still has no use of her legs..)
I'm trying really hard to be strong for her, and i really can't wait for her to get better and come back home!!
25th September 2008
Richard got me a set of bars to try out! Mostly they are Be Naturals, i tried the apricot & almond bar - so delicious ^.^ But one bar is like 1200 kilojoules so i really gotta make sure i burn it off hehe..
These are great as a pre-work out snack, gives you lots of energy, and is quick to eat (say when you're on the run), and it doesn't make you sick while you're working out (like for example if you had a meal instead)
Thanks again hun!
24th September 2008
I came home from work and found a letter on my bed - sweet sweet Nhuy posted me a card just to say hello and a few other things it was sooo sweet of her it made my day :)
Its things like these that make me happy just the little things i mean who nowadays even sends cards and stuff its all about emails, sms's only just cos life is so much of kind of on-the-go type of thing
We're all guilty of not making time just for us, 'me-time' the older you get the more things happen and more responsibilities and all
23rd September 2008
I've asked my boss to bring in extra lunch this week for me (my mom hasnt really been cooking lately, and i dont have time to)
So today he brought in one of my favourites - indian spiced rice with chopped potato carrots peas & corn, topped with a chopped tomato and onion cold yogurt sauce YUMMY!
Annie's friends came with me to the hospital tonight (so sweet of you guys thank you Brandon Julia & Lucy). Annie got tired after a while, but they managed to chat for about half an hour, then Annie's throat started hurting alot so we left her and i took everyone home. I was meant to take a photo but then Annie got upset over her throat..
She's got an ulcer the size of a 5 cent coin in her throat, so she can't eat or drink or even take her meds, so they've put a tube through her nose and down her throat, and she'll be eating and drinking through that-she's got mucacitis?? I can't spell it. But its a side effect from the radiation therapy, because it dries up her throat. She really hates it, and shes in so much pain she cant even swallow her saliva we've gotta use this suction tube around her mouth when spit comes out.
I don't really know what to say but i wish i could take the pain away from her, i wish it was me instead of her..
22nd September 2008
Uncles & Aunty came in tonight with flowers. Annie's lost more then half of her hair, and my dad keeps insisting she wears a beanie (she actually doesnt mind going without one)
My dad got her to agree to shaving her head - just to make things abit more cleaner (right now her hair is everywhere on her bed her pillow on the floor)
I dont think she should. She should keep her hair for as long as she can.. right now she's not her self so shes just agreeing with whatever anyone says
21st September 2008
Met up with Leona Lis & Anita today at Bi-centennial park for a catch up and picnic. It was great seeing you girls i loved catching up and i can't wait to see you all again. Time flew by soooo quickly and we still had heaps more to talk about eheh
Leona brang bread and cutlery/plates etc, Lis brang a chicken and coleslaw (which was soooooo good- the coleslaw hehe i love coleslaw) Anita brought frnech fry chippies a kit kat block(which we didnt get to!) and orange juice , and i brought salad croutons and creamy caesar dressing (and tuna for meself)
After holding Lis's SLR camera, and she said it was only $600 - i want one really badly!!
Leona bought us all urban original clutch bags - thank you!! they are really cute and i cant wait to take it out with me ^.^
20th September 2008
We watched TV, read cosmo, talked, and most of the time she slept.
Her seizures are getting more frequent and heavier, her wrists are all bruised from us/nurses holding her donw whenever it happens. They have started her on some anti-seizure meds, which makes her really really sleepy.
On the bright side, she's got 2 more weeks of radiation left, and her chemo treatments are down to once a week instead of 5 days a wk -i think 2-3 weeks and she's done with all treatments.
Also, her legs are a tiny bit stronger, but that could be cos of the platelet and blood transfusion she got.
When my parents came back at night me & Richard headed over to wooolies to buy some picnic stufff (meeting the gals for apicnic in the park tomorrow=)
Saw a sour lolly machine put 50 cents in and got two - didnt realise they made our tongues blue until later, and they werent really that sour ?? Jipped!
19th September 2008
TOday was so much fun!
Me & Richard celebrated our 4 year anniversary :)
He organised the whole day out! Breakfast at Macro Cafe in Bondi (they serve organic, vegan, vegetarian foods) this is my fav place for breakfast we had sourdough toast with poached eggs, mushrooms, spinach and goats cheese sooo so good- and an apple juice - made from freshly juiced apple, once you drink this you will NEVER drink bottled juice again!!
After breakfast we browsed through the grocers next door (also organic store) and bought some protein balls (great pre work out goodies), corn chips, and some other random things i forget
We headed to bents basin (out west, 40 minutes from liverpool) and had a picnic of babybel cheeses, jatz, & ribena & chocolates. It was a warm day but the lake was freezing cold so we didnt swim (maybe come back when its alot hotter hehe)
We bummed around there all afternoon then headed back into the city for teppenyaki @ Kobe Jones in the Rocks. Excellent dinner yummy yummy the chef cooked everything infront of us.
Headed to George Street cinamas and watched the Mummy in gold class in really comfy reclinable chairs
I had an awesome day out hunni i love you happy 4 years :)
18th September 2008
17th September 2008
I went to the doctors today because i woke up with a puffy eye (i think it was from Monday at touch footy, dirty ball, dirty fingers, rubbed my eyes??)
He gave me prescription for some antibiotic eye drops, and if in a few days it doesnt get any better- then i need to get antibiotic pills (which i hope i dont have to, don't like taking them)
While i was at the chemist i got some iron tablets- this time they have vitamin C in the same pill for better absorption. I stopped taking them about 3 mths ago - figured i should start again i hardly eat any iron enriched foods
16th September 2008
Tonight was ... the hardest night since Annie's gone into hospital.
Annie was... un-responsive to all of us, the doctors, nurses, she was either in a really really deep sleep- or some kind of seizure. My dad said in the morning she had a seizure like thing (she clenched her hands and teeth and wouldnt move or respond to anyone). and then it happened again at 2, then again at 5. the one in the morning lasted 28 minutes, and the one at 5pm lasted 3 hours.. :(
Its so hard seeing my parents crying, trying to get Annie to wake up by moving her hands, tapping her cheeks, talking to her..
I thought she was.. going into a coma, or something like that i was so scared. It seems she's losing feelings in her face, unable to smile or do anything with her facial expressions. Her eyes tend to stay closed, and she cant move her eyes around they just roll back everytime she tries. Her arms and legs have little response, and her reflexes are weak..
I feel... numb, sad, and alone
15th September 2008
We won our game tonight!!!! 12-8 Moe's Tavern :) Formerly known as Obscure
Also Lisa got us our new jerseys, we look like a proper team now so excited about winning this game (our first win all season, this being our 7th game)
I had a few good touches and one good run where i managed to dodge two opponents and got past them (dont ask, it was a miracle haha)
Everyone was here tonight so i snapped up a photo. We had 12 all up, so we kept subbing it was awesome. Previous weeks we only had about 8-9, so most of us played more then 3/4 of the hour it was sooo tiring.
I really enjoy playing Touch footy!! *touch touch* haha
14th September 2008
woke up early to attend a pilates class at the gym (yes - i am back!!) it was really hard, core working exercises, extreme numbing & pins n needles stretches. Jenny & Jeremy made it to the class aswell so afterwards we all ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes.
Jenny recommended i run with some hand weights to get an arm work out aswell, so i tried that out and it was pretty tiring, i held the weights for 5 minutes every 10-15 minutes of running, It was an awesome workout, it'll be my sunday morning work outs from now on (whenever i'm home and not sleeping at the hospital)
Spent the rest of the day at the hospital with Annie while my dad went home. Lately she's been really....... not her self & out of it. She lies in bed all day with her eyes closed, sometimes doesn't know whats going on or who's around. Its scary but the nurses assured us it was the chemo and all the meds she's taking.
My dad said Saturday & SUnday morning she had a seizure like fit, she was like tossing and turning like crazy and screaming, and the nurses had to help hold her down. And the other day she didnt even know who my dad was ... :(
And today... She was telling me to tell everyone that she loves them, cos she was dying... SHIT... I was so scared sooo scared so upset so speechless all i knew what to say was you'll be okay you're not dying you're just really sick all the drugs are making you drowsy and emotional this is all normal.
This is just too much for me i'm really scared for her she seems so out of it, sometimes she doesnt know where she is or why she's there..
This is her nurse Simone, she's vegetarian & married (i assume no kids yet). She is so sweet & caring, she works 5 days a week and know's Annie the best out of all the nurses that take care of Annie.
13th September 2008
Danny's party today, ended up being me, him & his girl, and a bunch of school kids from his tae kwon do class. We played lasertag in the local park - so cool! He got the stuff sent down from QLD, so yeah a bunch of us running around with massive guns shouting and chasing and hiding and ducking (i forgot my camera >.<)
I left after lunch to go to Borders @ Parra and purchased the next two Twilight books a reading light thingio (that you clip onto the top of your book), and a spindle of CDS from JB-HIFI. I'm looking forward to reading the whole series Because Lee said its really good!! (i'm a quarter of the way through the 2nd book)
Was meant to stay in the hospital overnight tonight.. but something happened and my dad wanted to stay.
One of the nurses accidentally gave Annie triple dose of pain meds (the nurse felt reeeally bad afterwards..) so she got hooked up to the stat machine and was checked on every half an hour during the night to see if there were any wierd changes in her body. I was looking forward to staying because i missed her...
12th September 2008
I went to Stocklands Mall to do some banking today, and while i was there i got some gifts for a friends birthday i've got tomorrow.
Browsed the Newsagent and found this 'friendship in blooms' book, its got quotes & photos of flowers & stuff its really beautiful, and a box of chocolates.
I didn't know what else to get him, and i figured the book would be okay because we were good friends in highschool, but a year after highschool we lost contact. He had a row with his mom and yeah some 9 mth court case blah blah but anyway he's moved in with his girlfriend who he's been with for nearly 3 years.
I'm looking forward to it!
I didn't know what else to get him, and i figured the book would be okay because we were good friends in highschool, but a year after highschool we lost contact. He had a row with his mom and yeah some 9 mth court case blah blah but anyway he's moved in with his girlfriend who he's been with for nearly 3 years.
I'm looking forward to it!
11th September 2008
Bought some goodies from Woolworths today some bandages and a shopping list fridge magnet thingio made for Childrens Westmead Hospital (where Annie is at the moment)
The bandages are really cute theres different sizes & shape sand lots of colours and it came with a little case - which is just what i need cos the bandage box in my work - is all broken and all the bandages fell out and yeah - can't use them anymore hehe
Who writes up a shopping list before they go grocery shopping? I do, every now and then (like three times a year haha). Usually i browse every single isle there is and buy whatever i feel like, i love grocery shopping!!
10th September 2008
I finished reading 'a million pieces' tonight. It was so good, that after i finished reading it, i didn't put it down - i held it in my hands for a few minutes cos i was amazed that he wrote something soo so .. real. As if he had been through it all himself it is such a good book.
And i started to read 'new moon'. Since i bought it for Annie but she probably won't get to read it for a month or two - i should be able to finish it before she comes back home.
The cute aeroplane thing - is a book mark i bought from the hospital - its sooo cute its like two paddle pop sticks and you just slide it over the page you are up to. Prior to this i was using and old bus ticket - that i found in a book i bought off ebay haha ^.^
9th September 2008
Richard helped me bury my pet rats last night. I was too upset to take a photo last night.
He said they had a good life, eating cornflakes, & fresh fruit & vegies.
R.I.P Princess & Candy
(i dont know their birthdate but they died on August 19 2008)
I hope my cat doesn't dig it up, or my dad somehow finds them while doing the gardening
8th September 2008
A cute can of grape fanta (which she told me not to open yet cos it was really fizzy) and a bag of strawberry flavoured gummi lollies
We lost in touch footy tonight 10-9 even though we got a five point start because the other team was good haha
Last weeks game was 5-4(we lost again). The guys are sure that we will win next week..?? Its been 6 weeks of losing it sux !!!
I fell down twice and headbutted a guy in the stomach because i wasnt watching where i was running >.<
7th September 2008
The beautiful sun came out today (followed by the ugly clouds in the afternoon). Annie came home again today, she seemed more tired then she was yesterday..
We hung out in the dining table scratching the scratchies i got my dad for fathers day (we won $34 with the $30 gift pack that i bought yippee), we went through the local community newsletter, and the sunday telegraph newspaper, played abit of scrabble, then Annie went to bed.
Me & Richard decided to make the most of the nice weather so we went for a bike ride around my area. Rode to the bus way and took photos of the cool graffitti, i took a whole heap of photos but this is probably the coolest one.
We've got some major talent out here in the ghetto
Got back and watched 'Pearl Harbour' until we had to take Annie back to the hospital. I am so so soooooo tired. The hospital is like our 2nd home, its a half hour drive each way from my house that i have to drive everyday of the week.
I feel bad if i don't go .. But i miss doing things like going to the gym, free time to do the things i like, like painting, cross stitching, cooking, ... i only get to go for a run once a week, i feel my gut growing, and my body getting flabby
In one mth Annie would have finished her radio & chemotherapy, after that im not too sure what will happen, if her tumour will be gone, or if its still there... just hoping for the best
Thank you all for staying with me and reading through whats happening with me & my family, all your sweet comments and wishes for Annie to get better it all means alot to me and once Annie is better she can read through it all and know that so many people care for her and Love her i always keep telling her that i get alot of messages about her on my blog i really want her to read it all
6th September 2008
We hung out in my room watching 'Juno' and 'How to Deal', snacked on pringles maltesers ^.^
Oh - the Relay for Life event was supposed to be on today- but it got cancelled due to the rain!! I was so excited to go!! They will anounce a new date very soon
I raised about $350, and Richard raised about $400 (go us!!)
A Special thanks to BRANDON CHUNG- Annie's friend, who took a few forms to school and helped me raise about $300 - in just three days so so awesome :)
Last week me & Richard watched 'Saving Private Ryan', so i was in the mood for some action war games so we lan partied and played 'Day of Defeat' - that was fun babe hehe
5th September 2008
Every morning when i wake up i head out to the kitchen and i turn on Sunrise TV - while i make breakfast & eat it.
This morning, the Ting Tings were performing live so i pumped up the volume (not caring about my mom & sister still sleeping ha ha) and danced arnd singing like an idiot
They played my fav song 'thats not my name' - check em out on myspace!!
4th September 2008
3rd September 2008
Annie's been in this room for about 4 days now, she'll be in this room until she finishes her treatment. In a way its good that shes going through radio & cehmotherapy at the same time - she'll be outta the hospital in no time.
This is a large artwork in her room that sits right infront of her, they are small cd cases with painted paper in them, circles and dots and stuff. Its pretty cool and colourful, the idea of putting them in clear cd cases to make one big work of art - is awesome!!
2nd September 2008
My cousins brought this in for my sister - these are awesome!!
I tried - Jalopeno, toasted marshmallow, strawberry jam, pear, cappochino, and i think pink sherbert or something
And they all taste amazing like the real thing (especially jalopeno which was kind of disgusting haha)
By the way it says 'the original gourmet jelly bean' - damn flash. This wouldn't happen with an SLR, right ???
1st September
My workmate Naveed's wife packed me some lunch today - this stuff IS THE BEST INDIAN DISH EVER
It's called Biryani this one has prawns in it but its just as nice plain its just rice and other stuff i dont really know but she makes it THE BEST i dont even wanna try it anywhere else haha. And that white stuff thats yogurt and onion this is AWESOME i love this stuff.
The only con is that its soooooo oily and fatty i reckon the amount of kilojoules in this is breakfast lunch & dinner put together haha ahh but how can i say no, she packed it for me cos she knows its my favourite.
Also, the photo is blurry cos of all the steam coming up
One last thinkg i'd like to Plug my friend Brandon's you tube Link of him & his friend c walking check it out its awesome!!!
31st August 2008
I was amazed at how vibrant this rainbow was. Stepping out of DFO (Richard needed to buy some new work shoes), the first thing i noticed was this - whipped out my camera straight away. Didn't care if people were around, looking at me like i was a tourist ,. it was just too beautiful to keep on walking..
30th August 2008
We took a different route today, and passed through big patches of clovers. And Richard happened to see a four leaf clover while he was running - WHILE HE WAS RUNNING!
I remember in primary school just lying around at lunch time looking for these ..
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