I finished reading 'a million pieces' tonight. It was so good, that after i finished reading it, i didn't put it down - i held it in my hands for a few minutes cos i was amazed that he wrote something soo so .. real. As if he had been through it all himself it is such a good book.
And i started to read 'new moon'. Since i bought it for Annie but she probably won't get to read it for a month or two - i should be able to finish it before she comes back home.
The cute aeroplane thing - is a book mark i bought from the hospital - its sooo cute its like two paddle pop sticks and you just slide it over the page you are up to. Prior to this i was using and old bus ticket - that i found in a book i bought off ebay haha ^.^
I FINISHED READING THE LAST ONE 'BREAKING DAWN' ITS SOOOOO FCKING GOOD!!!! I cant wait till the 5th book comes out.. Im praying stephenie releases it. I really dont want to read the draft she published. I'll hang out for the actual release.
i love books & often choose by the cover, prob not a good tip! but this book looks very interesting...happy reading
don't understand why my comments keep coming up anon- sorry!
[leona] i'm excited about reading the rest of the books i've been staying up reading because i couldnt sleep( or i couldnt sleep cos i stayed up reading) hehehe
i dont think i will watch the movie until i finish reading the books?? i dunooooo
[karen] its okay karen if i ever see an anonymous comment im sure it will be you :) hehe yeah usually i judge a book by its covers, or if its been recommended then ill read it
mm i still like my warlord books
maybe i'll read this one and have a go at some new genre :P
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