A cute can of grape fanta (which she told me not to open yet cos it was really fizzy) and a bag of strawberry flavoured gummi lollies
We lost in touch footy tonight 10-9 even though we got a five point start because the other team was good haha
Last weeks game was 5-4(we lost again). The guys are sure that we will win next week..?? Its been 6 weeks of losing it sux !!!
I fell down twice and headbutted a guy in the stomach because i wasnt watching where i was running >.<
that reminds me of the time this guy that was a bit weird got pissed off and headbutted my friend jason and then his nose started bleeding
Babe you can drink it!! hehe i was kidding but make sure you keep the can!! lol
Everyone at home ate all of the lollies i bought from malaysia which I suppose to give to everyone! RRR
sugar overload!
[richard] thats wierd
[anita] oh, were you? haha yeah i will drink it soon yummy, might wait till my sister comes home and try it with her. We tried the lollies together last night and she likes them! they're nice haha and how dare your family eat all the stuff you bought for me lol =P
[mel] yeah tell me about it i've gotta try and not to eat it all in one go hehe
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