Uncles & Aunty came in tonight with flowers. Annie's lost more then half of her hair, and my dad keeps insisting she wears a beanie (she actually doesnt mind going without one)
My dad got her to agree to shaving her head - just to make things abit more cleaner (right now her hair is everywhere on her bed her pillow on the floor)
I dont think she should. She should keep her hair for as long as she can.. right now she's not her self so shes just agreeing with whatever anyone says
it's so heart breaking to hear annies news- and she looks so pretty... and still manages to smile! here's to better days ahead, every blessing to your family
i actually reckon if she shaves her head it'd be more uncomfortable when the little ones fall out... she'll be itchy and stuff...
annie has a very warm and friendly face, and lovely smile. she really looks like someone i would want to stop and talk to.
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