Woke up at 5AM this morning, me & Rick went to Bondi to take photo's of the sunrise ^.^
Surprisingly it wasn't too hard to wake up cos i was so excited. We had some baklava on the way up, and i made some honey milk tea and put it in the flask and brought that with us (it was still pretty hot once we got to Bondi)
This is my favourite photo, even though the sun isnt in it.. the rest of the photo's are here.
Next time i want to go further up towards Bronte, so we can capture the sun full coming up from the horizon.
After that we went to Macro in the Junction for breakfast - we were their first customers - and received a free coffee!
Back home after that, i went straight to sleep while Rick went to the gym. I Woke up 2 hours later feeling very refreshed (and happy that i slept back the sleep i missed out from waking up early)
Spent the rest of the day with Annie, took my mom to the shops to buy some groceries & what not.
Went to dinner with Danny & Tash, we ate @ Billu's in Parramatta (food review coming soon!!). Love indian, but we ALWAYS order too much whenever we go, even though we ordered ONE dosa, it was HUMONGOUS (and great value for money it was only $11) and it was delicious with the rose lassi (a yogurt based drink)

betty that is such a beautiful photo.
sounds like you had a fantastic day!
mmm rose lassi... *drools*
i love the food at billus, so filling and delicious
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