Hosted a breakfast at my place this morning invited Rick, Ants & Jeremy Over :) Had a great time cooking eating & catching up, i'd love to do this on a regular basis! On the menu was:
Juices (thanx to Jeremy)
I cleared out the table out back, and put down my mum's picnic mat from the 70's, it was a lovely morning !!
After Ants & Jeremy left me & Rick got ready to go to Julie's place, and got ready to head up to the city for a light lunch @ Benbu (review coming soon, pics here)
What was meant to be a light lunch ended up being a big lunch because the food was SO NICE!! This little take away place, with only a few tables, served the best sushi rolls, and gen mai cha tea :)
After lunch, headed over to Centennial park with our bikes, did about 4 laps (3.8km each lap), then sat down and had some chippies by the water. Centennial Park is beautiful i want to come back and do sum running, & rollerblading :)

wtf jeremy's face LOL
loving the polaroid shots!
LOL you put Po's face on jeremy's body ahahah you're hilarious babe!
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