I spent the day with Rick today. Had breakfast at cabramatta (fresh rice rolls, then yum cha cos we were still hungry haha). Then went to get an oil massage at the New Thai Massage palace. This sign cracked us both up so much, we had to take a lol
This was my first oil massage (besides the one that Rick gives me). She smoothed out all the knots in my back and shoulders it hurt but felt sooo good afterwards. Definately going back again!!
After lunch back to Rick's where we watched Heroes & lazed around, with his new Humidifier!! (i got this for him, bcos he has excema, and while in Thailand it was so humid that his skin was perfect)
We headed to Parra for some cam shopping, i didnt expect to buy one but we left with my brand new Nikon d60 !!!!!!!!
SOOOOO excited, went home, charged it & went out to dinner we had thai @ Liverpool (i'm starting a food blog now, il post the link up a bit later!!)
Anyway i have soo many plans, i've made a Flickr account so i can put all my photo's up, & i plan to turn my babydoll.smilee.net into a proper site!!! Going to ask Alicia for some help, she's starting a webdesign company with her friends which is so cool!!
Had such a long weekend, with no exercise AT ALL, too much eating, not enough sleep!