
3rd November 2008

i received the scratch & sniff stickers i got off ebay today!!!!! there's like 240 of them, they are meant for teachers... but i wanted them sooo badly!!

There is apple, pineapple, punch and .... blueberry or something like that. I remember in primary school, i only got ONE scratch & sniff sticker throughout kindy to yr 6 - ONE ONLY!!! And the one i got i kept it for like soo long i think about i dunno about a yr or something haha untill it didnt smell anymore

Who wants some ?? ^.^


Anonymous said...

were they expensive?? what a great idea for teachers- beats lollypops!

Anonymous said...

they should have one of poo

Anonymous said...

oooooooh scratch & sniff...i havent seen that around for years. luv it!

Lis said...

OMG i love scratch 'n sniff! i remember getting them as a kid and being soooo stoked!

rlam85 said...

ah so these are those scratch and sniff stickers you were so proud of babe :) they look cute! i wonder how they smell.