woke up n ice & early today for a bike ride with Jeremy. Leaving my house i see dots of colours scattered on the street, little toy plastic balls (actually now that i think about it i should have taken a photo of the street from afar hehe)
We rode to Cabra and back, and stopped for my fav french fries from a small take away shop in St Johns Park (yummy!!)
Got home, went to the shops with mom bought some groceries, had some lunch & headed home for abit before going in to see Annie.
Watched Step Brothers (what a stupid movie..!!) & i accidentally... SWALLOWED part of my tongue ring. It should come back out again tomorrow... haha
I went to buy a new one, and got two new bellyrings aswell
Annie slept the whole time i was there, don't think she acknowledged my presence there at all..
I finished reading Eclipse (so good!!) and waiting for my sister to Finish BReaking Dawn. I really want the series to continue...!! Otherwise ill look for other Vampire related books.
i wanna be a vampire, me & Rick. Not growing old together, travelling the world, living forever..
apparently Twilight is already selling out cinemas before it has even been released in the US! crazy! it's selling more tickets than the new 007. woahhhhh!
LOL @ random plastic balls everywhere! it's like someone nicked some from a ball pitt & chucked them everywhere :P
Don't know if i want to live forever. I want to die at some stage =P and live for eternity where nothing else matters =P
Betty so you swallowed you tongue ring, once it comes back out again make sure you search for it and put it back where it belongs :).....in your tongue.
Betty so you swallowed you tongue ring, once it comes back out again make sure you search for it and put it back where it belongs :).....in your tongue.
i want to borrow that boooooooook.
btw i stopped reading lovely bones, i'm almost half way and i'm finding it boring zzz
i've just clicked you're talking about the vampire series my daughter freya reads!! she's mad about them too- isn't there a movie coming out??
that is so sweet!!!! I've only read twilight, but damn that series is very very good aye? theres so much ATTENTION. They have the premiere on my charity dinner..... BOO :(
WILL U COME? I forwarded you an email to your gmail so hopefully you got it...
otherwise email me back so we can talk talk!
and yes STEP BROTHERS was hella stupid. Haha but kinda funny.. I guess I needed the laugh when I saw the movie.
Anyway, sweety, I just finished my exams!!!! Can you believe it? IM GONNA GRADUATE (if I pass).. zomg!
i started watching step brothers on the plane back to sydney but i turned it off cause it was so stupid
aww you wanna live forever with me eh?
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