
19th August 2008

The other two panels of my favourite painting.

I love graffitti, you know, the ones you find on buses, trains, walls, vandalism.

On the bus way near my house there is a massive vandal-graffitti of the hulk, and other beautiful markings i should go and take photos of it one day.


Lis said...

these are amazing murals!

rlam85 said...

like that ninja graffiti girl on the t-way babe? that's pretty cool :D

lovethehalls said...

nice mural. some graffiti is amazing. i was in borders today and they had a great book there called LA graffiti. i was very tempted to buy it!

Anonymous said...

i miss seeing grafitti (the city kind)it's my kind of thing too but i limit my household to just using chalk!!