This is a 4-canvas painting outside Annie's ward. It's my favourite one in the hospital because it's so bright & colourful (i couldn't fit all canvases in one photo)
A few months ago i bought like 15 canvases from Lincraft because they were on sale. When Annie comes back home, i want to create something like this (but not so detailed, and not so big haha) and hang it in our home.
We did a to-do list today. A list of things we wanna do once Annie is all better.
- glebe markets
- go to a footy game
- make coloured salt jars (rememeber in primary school?? rubbing chalk into a pile of sand, and doing like 5 different colours in a jar and putting up for display)
- go to Bass Hill Drive in Movies
- canvas painting
- spring clean our rooms
- cook meals from her new recipe book she got from the hospital
- graffitti our drive way with chalk
A few other things i can't remember right now.But basically, we kept talking about the things we wanted to do together once we get outta the hospital, but knowing us we would forget all about it later on haha so writing it all down means we will never forget!
when i mentioned chalk i think of mels 365 photo. ^_^ my parents would kill me if i did that to the new house =[
anne will have so much to look forward when she gets out of hospital. those thoughts are obviously keeping her strong and positive. you're a fab sister hun.
lol just like our to do list of places to eat ay babe?
that sounds like such a great thing to do. and all the things on your list sound like fun too.
what a great sister you are! i hope annie is doing well
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