30th July 2008
Tom Paseka - Thank you for the cupcakes :]
You will now be paying for my JennyCraig member ship as well lol
29th July 2008
28th July 2008
This is where my sister has been staying in Westmead Childrens Hospital for the last 2 weeks.
We were given the results of her biopsy tonight... she has a malignant cancer, which started in her brain and travelled through her spinal fluid down her spine..
The operation took most of it out of her back, but it is still in her brain so now she has to go through chemo & radiotherapy.
She has to take off her braces cos it interferes with the MRI scans, and she'll be cutting her hair short because.. she'll be losing it all over the course of the treatment :(
I'll be cutting my hair short with her too, we're thinking a short bob with a cute side fringe. & Richard said he's shave his head too..
It was a long night, im really upset & fighting so hard for the tears to stay in my eyes, trying really hard to stay strong..
27th July 2008
26th July 2008
Mm-- hospital breakfast- hehe.
Canned spaghetti never tasted so good- seriously!!
I packed peanut butter sandwiches for the 2.5 days id be staying with her- i didnt want to buy unhealthy & expensive hospital food lol.
But i ended up eating annie's food with her, and also my parents brought in pumpkin soup & congee
Pretty much been eating all day i feel pretty fat hehe
25th July 2008
Annie's stitches (staples in this case)
Its Friday night, i'm staying over night in the hospital with Annie until sunday night yays
For the first time in 2 wks- i felt at ease. To be able to be beside my sister while she sleeps, and to be there when she wakes up. To help her when she needs me &, just to be there for her.
24th July 2008
Sushi box that Richard got for me from Lidcombe. He met up with me at the Hospital tonight.. me being moody & upset i've pretty much been holding back my tears for the last week whenever i think about my poor lil sis :(
Thanks babe for being with me even though i was frowning & crying..
Annie is recovering very slowly, & ill be staying at the hospital all weekend & overnight aswell, so i wont be posting until MOnday/Tuesday.
I haven't ran for a week, and city2surf is coming up in 2 weeks :(
Thanks babe for being with me even though i was frowning & crying..
Annie is recovering very slowly, & ill be staying at the hospital all weekend & overnight aswell, so i wont be posting until MOnday/Tuesday.
I haven't ran for a week, and city2surf is coming up in 2 weeks :(
23rd July 2008
My mom makes the best fish congee! Actually my dad makes it better, but i'll settle with what i can get :)
Everytime one of us gets sick they make us congee. PLain, Fish, meat, whatever its congee, the best home remedy (the doctor actually said that to me lol)
I got a mad fever on Monday i felt like i was going to die >.<
"Annie UpdaTe"
Annie had a tumour in her spine, about 15cm long. The operation started at 11.30 and she came out at 5.30!
What they did was open up hr back, but open each spine bone that was infected, take out the tumour, and then closed the bone back up with a piece of metal - now shes got metal in hre back for the rest of her life, and at the airport the beeping metal detector will always beep for her - but she's got a special certificate for her.
The results take 2-3 days so we're all hoping that its nothing too serious.. When she came out she looked like she was in so much pain.. :(
She was too scared to even move cos she was scared it would hurt so much. She had a button to her Drip for a shot of morphine whenever the pain gets too much. & she's peeing out of a cathdote or something like that. She has to stay like that for atleast two days. and every 2-3 hours 24/7 the nurses come in to flip hr onto her left & right sides, cos she's not supposed to lie on her back for long periods of times.
:( :( :(
22nd July 2008
RIchard came over this morning to take me to the doctor, so sweet of him..
But i was feeling better so after he stayed for breakfast & played with Hashbrown off to work he went.
Thanks for coming hunni you're the best :]
I did end up going docs, he advised me to drink lots of water, avoid dairy products, and rest. And no more panadol unless i felt feverish.
My mom woke me up three times last night to check my temperature & to give me panadol.
i'm just going to rest for the rest of the day, and visiting my sister tonight after droppig Linda off at work at 5pm.
Annie went into the operation this morning at 11.30. An operation that was supposed to only last an hour - is now going to take 4 :(
When the doctors told her she started crying.. and so did my dad.. and then he rang my mom & she started crying too.. I hope she comes out okay.
They are removing some growth in her spine, that goes up through her spine about 10-15 cm :( Either a blood clot or some growth, the docs weren't very clear with my dad. Or maybe its just my dad..
21st July 2008
Happy Birthday Babe :)
Richards Birthday today. I havent had time to do anything, plan or make anything for him for his birthday ever since my sister got admitted to hospital, so i made him a big snack bag (vitawheat, canned tuna, le snack, grapes, asian drink poppers, cup'o'soups, banana, instant coffee packets, english breakfast tea, honey)
& i picked him up and drove him to work :]
It took an hour from CHester Hill to North Sydney, which is in good traffic! It used to take Richard like 1hr 45mins. We reckon it was a quick drive cos ppl still think there are barracades cos of the pope etc.
Oh before i left i threw up =/ & i had the runs in the middle of the night and didnt get much sleep. I have a feeling it was the shitty hot chocolate & bad chocolate crossiant that me & Richard had on Sunday night. Although Richard didnt get sick...
I went to work today till about 12, i was feeling sick, hot/cold flushes, aching body, tiredness.. went home about midday and stayed in bed for the rest of the day, sleeping & watching tv.
I miss daytime tv!! Huey's cooking, this kids science show, bold & beautiful..
Richards Birthday today. I havent had time to do anything, plan or make anything for him for his birthday ever since my sister got admitted to hospital, so i made him a big snack bag (vitawheat, canned tuna, le snack, grapes, asian drink poppers, cup'o'soups, banana, instant coffee packets, english breakfast tea, honey)
& i picked him up and drove him to work :]
It took an hour from CHester Hill to North Sydney, which is in good traffic! It used to take Richard like 1hr 45mins. We reckon it was a quick drive cos ppl still think there are barracades cos of the pope etc.
Oh before i left i threw up =/ & i had the runs in the middle of the night and didnt get much sleep. I have a feeling it was the shitty hot chocolate & bad chocolate crossiant that me & Richard had on Sunday night. Although Richard didnt get sick...
I went to work today till about 12, i was feeling sick, hot/cold flushes, aching body, tiredness.. went home about midday and stayed in bed for the rest of the day, sleeping & watching tv.
I miss daytime tv!! Huey's cooking, this kids science show, bold & beautiful..
20th July 2008
Sunday ahh.. Sundays for me means relaxing, as of lately anyway..
These days im content just hanging around, reading, painting.. doing relaxing things. Watching movies or some kind of series i've downloaded. Or working out !
This morning me RIchard & Jeremy(gym buddy, who is doing the city2surf with us next mth) Met up at an oval in our area for a work out
We started off with a slow jog from one soccer post to the other, then we sprint for 50 mtrs (half the oval), did 5 burpies (which is when you jump up, then quickly down for a push up, and repeat 5 times this is called explosive work out or something) then we jog back 50 mtrs, and we did that 6 times.
Then we jogged the oval 3 times (i only did two cos i was DEAD, even though i was the one who suggested 3 laps lol)
Then into the middle on the cricket pitch for push ups & SIt ups.
This was the second week in a row that we've done this, next week we might go back to long distance running ^.^
19th July 2008
I spent the day in the hospital with my sister today, so my dad could go home & rest. He's been with my sis 24/7 all week =/
Richard took this photo while i was on the phone with my mom, it was nice to cuddle up & giggle & chat about stuff with Annie, she's getting better ever since they took her off the Drip and she started to eat 3 times a day.
In the morning i went to pick up Thao, cos he wanted to spend the day with Annie as well (he came to the beach with us once, i suspect that he likes Annie hehe..)
Then RIchard & His Sister Anne came in. I brought in some red rock chippies, salmon & cream cheese sandwiches and other lil goodies cos my lil sis was sick of hosp food! Pretty much getting mashed potato everyday, and either a sandwich, or fish, with milk jelly & yo-go.
Later on Hieu & his lil bro, Trang, Jenny & Fiona came in to visit. Thank you guys for visiting it means alot to Annie :)
18th July 2008
17th July 2008
I took Richards old Men's Health mags, i LOVE reading health magazines, they are full of facts and interesting stories, about people who have changed their lifestyle and eating habits and lost heaps of weight & stuf.
And theres also cool recipes & snack ideas, beauty & work out tips.
I already have a subscription of my own to Womens Health, but i cant get enough i need to steal Richards too lol
I like to keep one in the toilet cos my dad likes to read in there.. haha & i do too LOL
Do any of you guys read in the toilet?
16th July 2008
Trang got me these cute socks - and i made a whole in em =/
It was sooo uncomfortable walking around with a HOLE in your sock lol it felt so airy in my feet >.<
Update on my lil sis:
Thanks for all the best wishes my good friends, she is not getting any better though... :(
They are just doing all these tests on her shes still in a lot of pain.
Its a blood clot in her spine that is causing all the headache, neckpains, nausea, pain in her eye, numbness in her right thigh..
They are not really telling us anything, and my dad's been in the hospital with her 24/7 since Saturday.. nd i've been leaving work early everyday to take my mom to the hosp, and i'm getting back at like 10 everynight- so tiring.
Plus i cant sleep, and i cant get outta bed each morning and i get into work late arggh..
15th July 2008
14th July 2008
My sister is back in hospital :( This time she's gone to Westmead where they have the proper equipment & facilities to treat her.
They said she has a growth about 10cm through her spine, which is the cause of all her headaches & back pains (and now also numbness of her right thigh)
They are doing tests to find out what is the growth.. and they might be operating on her tonight..
My parents are both with her & staying with her tonight.
What's scary is that probably.. a month ago Annie had a dream about something that turned out to mean that she was going to get sick. And also around the same period of time i had a dream which turned out to mean that something bad would happen to someone close to me
Me Richard & Linda were sitting in the waiting room of Westmead Childrens hospital tonight, and this is what you can see when you look up..
Walking around the hospital there were so many artworks and things made by children. It's such a colourful & happy looking place but theres so many sick children that are hurt & stuff, its amazing how much the hospital put in to make the place so pretty & loving to be in.
13th July 2008
12th July 2008
Ahh had so much fun tonight :) Twas Nhuy's birthday party @ St James, she had her own little VIP room and we even got our own pink wristbands so we could go in & out.
Alicia, Me, Nhuy, Lee, Fiona & Jenny
Alicia goes to my gym she came with her Best friend Jenny but i duno where she was when this photo was taken hehe
Nhuy i also met her @ the gym, she was all over the place that night didnt get to take a proper photo with her!!
Lee is Nhuy's friend they went to Europe togeva two mths ago and i've also met her a couple of times before (isnt she cutte!!)
Fiona & Jenny are sister - we were family friends when we were little. We were close during highschool then after that kind of went our own ways lost contact, then .. i think it was last year December i got invited to Fiona's birthday and so since then we've started anging out again! Not much though cos they are busy with uni/i'm busy with things you know how it is hehe
But since then we've made the effort to get together every once in a while which is great ^.^
11th July 2008
I finally got it !! :) Off ebay for $38 + P&H. Me so so happy this book has EVERYTHING! Even though i havent stitched anything for about a month or so.. I was still excited
I came across this book when i was at Liverpool Library, and i borrowed it for like 3 mths (re-borrowing over the phone for as long as i could lol
I need time to stitch! I need to make time for reading, painting, drawing, stitching.. ahhh *sigh
10th July 2008
9th July 2008
8th July 2008
Richard asked me to take a widescreen photo of this view from our car.
I love how the trees just kind of hover into the middle like its a bridge over us.
We were on our way back to Sydney, i think this was about half way mark for us (it took us 9 hours, minus about 1.5hours worth of breaks)
By the way thanks everyone for the wishes to my lil sis, she's home now and fine except she has to wear an eye patch, and she still gets minor headaches :)
7th Juy 2008
On the way to Lightning Ridge (about 3 hours drive from Moree) I got a picture of this beautiful rainbow...
I've never taken a photo of a rainbow before, and i thought of how rad it would of looked with Lis's camera!!
BY the way, Moree is famous for their hot artesian baths. It's naturally heated water from somewhere in the ground, so its a lovely 40 degree pool of water that you sit & relax in ahh its been the 3 most relaxing days in mu life!!
6th July 2008
Near the place we were staying, while me & Richard were on our morning jog, we went past a market which we then came back to after our run & our breakfASt.
It was cool! I love browsing markets hehe (i wanna go bacl to Glebe sometime!!)
I got my cousins a snow cone, and they got blue rasberry & bubblegum flavoured syrup - so sweet, so good!!
Hanging out with little kids brings out the inner kid in you :) hehehe
& it was cool how they made purple in the middle when the colours joined
5th July 2008
About three quarters of the trip we had a stop over @ McDonalds, where i saw this massive dog in the back of a van.
He was on his way to a dog show, & his owner said he loved getting his picture taken haha
MASSIVE!!! Look at the comparison between him & Richard lol
I like my small type dogs, we have a bunch of them at home hehehe
4th July 2008
Tonight Richard slept over since we're driving to Moree at 3am o.0
He cooked some vegetarian roast pork & sausages & vegies haha, yummo!! We made sooo much we hardly even made a dent in it afterwards. We also cooked up some potato gems yum... & had them with cheese sauce EVEN YUMMIER AHHH soo good hehe
3rd July 2008
We went to visit my sister again tonight. She's looking heaps better, they have started giving her treatment in medicine form, although her eye is still cross eyed- she is no longer tired or headachey or anything me so happy :)
Her friends came to visit her & she was so surprised, she's such a kind person of course she would have visitors!! Also My uncle & Aunty came by.
Hopefully she is coming home tomorrow (Friday). ^.^
2nd July 2008
Went to visit my lil sis @ Liverpool Hospital today - i hate hospitals :(
Last week on Monday she started feeling sick, and threw up in the middle of the night.. Next day my mom took her to the local doctor and he gave her some anti vomitting medicine and said to come back if she doesnt get better.
She didn't get better so my parents took her to the family doctor about half an hour away, and he sent her to the hospital to get some scans/tests done. She stayed over night, and has a thing shoved up her wrist =/
Me & my other sis went to see her tonight and she looked horrible (and smelt really bad haha) so we helped her shower & washed her hair.
They started giving her medicine tonight...... hopefully she gets better soon & it is nothing too serious i miss her !!
1st July 2008
My sister just finished this book - i want to make time to read it! But i just won 'Anna's Story' Off ebay, when that comes in i'll probably start reading that. Bad habit ... I can never finish a book from Start to Finish, and i usually i'm reading a couple books at a time >.<
The last book i read from start to end was Memoirs of a Geisha - i totally recommend this book! And i also started reading The Devil Wears Prada- Which i dont think i'll finish hehe so i'll return it to ya Lis!!
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