My mom makes the best fish congee! Actually my dad makes it better, but i'll settle with what i can get :)
Everytime one of us gets sick they make us congee. PLain, Fish, meat, whatever its congee, the best home remedy (the doctor actually said that to me lol)
I got a mad fever on Monday i felt like i was going to die >.<
"Annie UpdaTe"
Annie had a tumour in her spine, about 15cm long. The operation started at 11.30 and she came out at 5.30!
What they did was open up hr back, but open each spine bone that was infected, take out the tumour, and then closed the bone back up with a piece of metal - now shes got metal in hre back for the rest of her life, and at the airport the beeping metal detector will always beep for her - but she's got a special certificate for her.
The results take 2-3 days so we're all hoping that its nothing too serious.. When she came out she looked like she was in so much pain.. :(
She was too scared to even move cos she was scared it would hurt so much. She had a button to her Drip for a shot of morphine whenever the pain gets too much. & she's peeing out of a cathdote or something like that. She has to stay like that for atleast two days. and every 2-3 hours 24/7 the nurses come in to flip hr onto her left & right sides, cos she's not supposed to lie on her back for long periods of times.
:( :( :(
yummmmmmm congee!!
if you're ever on goulban street or china town, go to superbowl and try their congee (shredded pork with 100th century egg) it's soooo good!!!
poor annie, she looked so blank when i saw her :(
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