Went to visit my lil sis @ Liverpool Hospital today - i hate hospitals :(
Last week on Monday she started feeling sick, and threw up in the middle of the night.. Next day my mom took her to the local doctor and he gave her some anti vomitting medicine and said to come back if she doesnt get better.
She didn't get better so my parents took her to the family doctor about half an hour away, and he sent her to the hospital to get some scans/tests done. She stayed over night, and has a thing shoved up her wrist =/
Me & my other sis went to see her tonight and she looked horrible (and smelt really bad haha) so we helped her shower & washed her hair.
They started giving her medicine tonight...... hopefully she gets better soon & it is nothing too serious i miss her !!
i really hope she gets better babe.. she looked so tired the last time i saw her
omg is your sister alright? =(
what happened? does she have stomach ulcer? Hope its nothing serious.
I hate the smell of hospitals too. It smells like death. I don't know how people can work there.
aww hun i hope she gets better really soon and it's nothing serious xx
your poor sis
what's wrong with her?
looks like some1 has been slack :P i thought i was bad being 5+ days behind LOL
just read some of ur comments on my phlog
never heard of grandma's boy
is it out on dvd?
my dad is tight with a guy and we get dvds off him ;)
i dont eat meat either
hence my mushrooms + iron pills
i don't think i'm deficient in any area, but i have them just as a top up, incase i don't have enough, especially calcium coz me and dairy arent really friends.
hey chicky,
how's your sis doing? i've been thinking of you guys - hope she's doing ok.
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