
20th June 2008

Tonight i headed up to the city for a farewell dinner & drinks with Leonid. Dinner @ Pancakes Darling Harbour, then drinks @ the Establishment.

It was a fun night met some cool new people, & it was my first time at the Establishment! I was stressing on Thursday night as i was shopping around for something nice, since my wardrobe lacks anything nice looking lol.

Ended up buying a white blouse from Supre and teamed it up with my big fat brown belt. which are by the way soo uncomfortable after you've eaten a massive meal lol

Leonid is leaving on Friday 27th June, so goodluck with your trip & make sure you come back with heaps of photo's & stories buddy!!

By the way look how shiny my face is, i Hate it!!


rlam85 said...

mmm that salad was goooood, better than the pizza i reckon

Lis said...

mmmm i love the pancake restaurants.

your blouse is prettyyyyy!! =D

Anonymous said...

don't hate it, i think you two look stunning. dong on the other hand looks...stunned. ;)