
21st June 2008

My first time at Lasertag tonight. I thought i'd be scared cos Richard told me it was a dark room haha and im claustrophobic!!

It was unlimited play for $35, i had a massive stummy ache for some reason a sharp pain came & went, Richard got the same feeling :( We're thinking we ate a bad prawn at dinner just before @ dinner.

I was panicking at the start of the game so i was running around like an idiot (until Richard saw me his like 'no running babe!) haha i NEVER listen to instructions =/

I came like 2nd last i'm such a loser!


rlam85 said...

HAHAHA stop exaggerating :P you came 4th last!

Lis said...

LOL how fun is laserrrrr!!

i'm surprised i didn't bump into you guys (except it was busy i guess). i was at the food & wine show until 6pm and then i had drinks & dinner at cockle bay. i had a longgggg day & night. lol.

Anonymous said...

ITs been 4 years since I last went to laser tag. I enjoyed it at the time shooting friends haha Id love to shoot bruce.