
13th June 2008

9.55pm (they were 5 minutes late!!) THE PRESETS PLAYING LIVE @ ENMORE THEATRE NEWTOWN!!

They were AWESOME they played a few old tunes as well as new (even though they were touring just after the release of their new album "apocalypso"

Saw sooooo many drug fucked peoples i wished i was one of them lol. I got standing tickets, & met up with SHirley & Tyrone. Had so much fun!!

It got soooo hot & sweaty in there i was like dripping sweat by the end. A night at the Presets was equivalent to a night at the gym seriously haha


Lis said...

i love the enmore theatre!!

so glad you had an awesome night =D

rlam85 said...

that was the worst bunch of misfits i've ever seen out at the bar, felt like nut punching the fucker when he yelled that comment at us

Anonymous said...

glad you guys had fun!