My mom looks sooo happy there she was wearing a new outfit that my dad bought her & it was so cute!
My beloved Richard took me & my family out to eat tonight @ the Meat & Wine Co in Parramatta. It was really special cos we all had heaps of fun & the food was great. & my parents being asian & all were saying that the place was too expensive lol. When we usually eat out it's cheap meals that cost us under $30-$40 altogether!
They usually don't eat out at expensive places but sometimes i like to spoil them, and on this occasion oh boy did Richard spoil them ^.^
Thank you for the dinner & the great night hunni *MwA*
aaw so cute!
i love that you can spoil your parents. that's good karma :)
awwww they're so cuuuute!!
that's so nice of richard to treat your parents to dinner, what a sweetie! =]
your parents are soo cute! they look so happy together.
parents our generation think western restaurants are expensive. Mine do too they never go out to nice places cos of the price.
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