My half days start today - Mon+Tues+Wed i go home @ 1pm to study - i got my Fitness textbooks today - A LOT of reading material..
Fitness Instruction
Advanced Aerobic Conditioning
Business management in Fitness
Advanced resistance training
Nutrition & Weight Management
Professional Practise (theroy & practical
We played an undefeated team tonight @ touch, & we lost by ONE point! We did well considering their ranking in the comp - i fell, did a 360 roll, & rolled my ankle - ouch! I was aided off the field .. so bad !! I was sprinting for a touch, when the guy did a direction change & bam we collided & a tripped on his foot.
Ann had come only minutes before (she was late, was only going to spectate), so we swapped clothes & she took my place - luckily - because we would have been down a player..
Thanks Trang for the vegetarian Lasagne!!!!! It was yummy - it was really thoughtful of you girlfriend :)
Fitness Instruction
Advanced Aerobic Conditioning
Business management in Fitness
Advanced resistance training
Nutrition & Weight Management
Professional Practise (theroy & practical
We played an undefeated team tonight @ touch, & we lost by ONE point! We did well considering their ranking in the comp - i fell, did a 360 roll, & rolled my ankle - ouch! I was aided off the field .. so bad !! I was sprinting for a touch, when the guy did a direction change & bam we collided & a tripped on his foot.
Ann had come only minutes before (she was late, was only going to spectate), so we swapped clothes & she took my place - luckily - because we would have been down a player..
Thanks Trang for the vegetarian Lasagne!!!!! It was yummy - it was really thoughtful of you girlfriend :)
haha this photo's a classic, half eaten toasted sandwich + textbook. awesome!
i hope you find studying fitness and stuff fun babe :D
the sandwich looks like a staircase
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