Thursday 14th May 2009

Wednesday 13th May 2009

Tuesday 12th May 2009

Woke up & my limbs were aching the worst pain possible – my weights sessions last night killed me. After not having done any weights training for over a month, maybe i should of taken it easier with light weights but i went into the same weights that i used the last time i did the class.. killer.
Another half day – came home, made some lunch, then spent the rest of the afternoon playing scrabble with Annie J No scoring, just straight playing. I want to play more games with her, just to keep her brain stimulated, i’m suggesting books for her to read (she’s not a big fan of reading, but i really want her to just keep her mind busy, let herself get carried away into a book, so her days aren’t dragged too long)
She has school on Monday, Wed & Fridays from 1-3pm - & other days she stays at home. I might go rent some movies this week – i love watching movies from the last decade – they are so much better then the ones that are coming out these days at the movies. Ah- my gf Wensy gave me some vouchers to use, one of them is $9.50 Dendy movie tix – baby lets go!!
Monday 11th May 2009

Fitness Instruction
Advanced Aerobic Conditioning
Business management in Fitness
Advanced resistance training
Nutrition & Weight Management
Professional Practise (theroy & practical
We played an undefeated team tonight @ touch, & we lost by ONE point! We did well considering their ranking in the comp - i fell, did a 360 roll, & rolled my ankle - ouch! I was aided off the field .. so bad !! I was sprinting for a touch, when the guy did a direction change & bam we collided & a tripped on his foot.
Ann had come only minutes before (she was late, was only going to spectate), so we swapped clothes & she took my place - luckily - because we would have been down a player..
Thanks Trang for the vegetarian Lasagne!!!!! It was yummy - it was really thoughtful of you girlfriend :)
Sunday 10th May 2009

Got back for 2 hours of sleep & then was up again for a run around iron cove, then breakkie @ Glebe :)
Spent the rest of the day watching the Hills (so addictive, never ever thought i'd be into these types of shows) Rick thinks its stupid & pointless.. HEY! I don't give you crap about your anime babe =P
Oh, i bought flowers for mom! & set up these photocards in her room. Polaroids of every family member, all in a row. A reminder that we all love her dearly & will always be around.
My net was capped a week ago, it sucks to have extra slow net !! I can't upload any photo's to flickr, i am blogging at home & uploading at work - this sux & i don't get my normal speed back until the 15th booo :(
I start my OTEN Fitness course tomorrow, how will i get online this week ??? My boss has offered me half days on MOn, Tues & Wed so yay :) Yay to gymming after work, & more time to study.
Saturday 9th May 2009

Went for an early morning bike ride with Rick, Ann, Jeremy & Ants this morning, we rode for about 2 hours in total, our ears almost froze up, i lost one of my 18 breadrolls (it bounced out of my basket) & Jeremy fell of his bike (i think that will bruise..!!)
Got back real early, to help out with Annies Birthday Party !! All her school friends came, plus a few other people, some of my friends, it was a full house!
WHile the kiddies stayed out in the living room playing Singstar (thank you Julie & Sam for lending your PS2&3 tonight!!), us grown ups played monopoly hehe. Julie was the first to get out of the game, i followed shortly, Ann Sam & Rick ended up playing for about 3 hours in
total - Rick won booooo he always wins!!
When i play games, i play for the fun of it i don't play competitively, at all, which is why sometimes its so frustrating playing things with Rick :( He just wants to win & take all your
Friday 8th May 2009

I had plans to drive up to Marrickville with Rick to get a Birthday cake for Annie - but change of plans - Rick went on his own instead.
I stayed home with Annie, watched television, Friday night movie was -The Terminal - featuring TOm Hanks. A Man stuck in the U.S airport terminal because his country's government had been suspended due to a political coue. Thus making his visa suspended, until his country was reclassified & a new visa would be made. He was stuck in the terminal for 9 mths !! The movie was alright, i was only watching it because nothing else was on (except da footy, but Annie thinks tv Sports is boring hehe..)
It was a full moon so i shot this after dinner - the moon lit up the streets, its amazing how dark it is when the full is only a crescent. I remember when i went for a bondi sunrise shoot - i saw both the Sun & the moon at the same time
Thursday 7th May 2009
Tuesday 5th May 2009
Monday 4th May 2009

Sunday 3rd May 2009
Watched Wolverine in gold class tonight with Julie & Sam (they were gold class first timers hehe). The movie is AWESOME i highly recommend i!t!! I want to download x-men 1, 2 & 3 now - i really forgot what happened in them.
Had to walk through westfields from the carpark to the movie complex, and saw these tags hanging from the ceiling - looked so cool! Annie would totally love this ! (shes a brand type of gal she's got tags stuck on her wall & stuff)
Saturday 2nd May 2009
Friday 1st May 2009
Thursday 30th April 2009

Went out to dinner with Rick tonight, he found a restaurant in Rozelle called Harvest that serves vegetarian only food. It was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, the only restaurant on a whole street of apartments/flats. Its a small place, i think only two people were running the restaurant tonight, but there was just us, another couple, and a group of 4, not too busy. My camera battery died (just my luck) so no piccies or food review, we'll just have to come back again :)
Wednesday 29th April 2009
Tuesday 28th April 2009

Monday 27th April 2009

My shoe broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so not lookin forward to spending money on another pair :( & i really have to cos city2surf is coming up in August - i wanna wear my new shoes in before doing the run so i dont get blisters or anything. Might get a pair of asics even though they're exxy but they last & are designed for runners.