i decided to go for a run this morning before meeting up with LJ girls for brunch! Ann decided to join me too despite her lack of sleep that night + early hours but aww so glad you came :) Her workmate Nat joined us too, we started out & it was cloudy, it got sunny as the run progressed, damnit i didnt wear sunscreen!! We did it in about an hour 5 minutes (we walked a few times to let Nat catch up with us).
Then off to Blackbirds cafe for brunch with Ants Leona & Lis (review here). Despite Lis coming half an hour late, she managed to get her breakfast first !! Oh by the way it was daylight savings today we had to pull back our clocks an hour (yay for extra sleep, nay for shorter days)
Lis is off to U.S.A next week, so this is our last catch up before she goes. Lis – all da best on your trip, have a blast, don’t forget to send us postcards :):)
Headed home for a couple of hours before going to Jeremy’s house party. We had KFC, Pizza Hut (Siu ly brang habibs garlic sauce!! its is SOOOOO good on pizza!!), we played the board game ‘TABOO’ which was so fun i coudlnt help but play for both teams haha :)
Then Rick & Jeremy disappeared for a while (hee hee) & came back with desert! Jeremy’s own creation. Banana cheese cake, Vanilla icecream with magic top, over a layer of crunchy nut (jap styles). & the rest of the night was spent watching So you think you can dance & listening to Ann talk about twitter =P
Jeremy thank you for hosting the party – i had a blast i wish i didnt have to leave early !!
it was a good night til ann wanted to watch so you think you can dance... i was soooooooooo board and wanted to play some games (heh pun intended)
i ran 6kms for my cross country zone qualification, my cardio's so shat hahah came 5th (there were only 5 runners) LOL
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