
Wednesday 28th January 2009

Wednesday = Tennisday

Anne's last week with us (she starts Spanish classes next week) so it'll probably be just me Rick Leonid & Pete Playing (some hardcore doubles woooo)

Rick is getting used to his Twenty Dollar Racquet (hee hee) I wonder how it feels to use one of the famous tennis player's racquets (and how much they bought it for..??!!!)

I havent really been into the tennis lately, it's kind of boring watching it i have a short attention span so i only watch it for maximum 5-10 minutes

Wade was pretty good - FOR A CRIPPLE! LOL he had an operation to take out an ingrown toe nail, and he still came to play lol


Anonymous said...

lol if you hate watching tennis
it says means not a tennis person LOLLLLL

rlam85 said...

i reckon wade was pretty good considering his raquets were so softly strung hehe
i sucked that night :/