Went to dinner with Sam & Julie tonight, @ Dolcissimo @ Haberfield (apparently italian restaurants here are more authentic then Leidchardt)
We had two pizza's, a pasta, & tiramisu & strawberries and cream for desert it was so yummy (i am totally working out at the gym tomorrow!!)
Afterwards we went to a overhead bridge on parramatta road to attempt taking light trail photo's - this was my favourite one because it had the most even-ness of white and red on each side
More light trail photos here
dinner fotos here
wow i've just been catching up with all your news, you're so busy!! one thing i've noticed is your photos are really coming on- i mean they're getting better & better, well done :)
betty that's a great photo!
how did you do it?
mmm that's a really good photo but i still like the one with the police car going past :)
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