Annie was extremely touched when i presented her with this collage (to go up on her hospital room wall). Although, she doesnt know there is another two more coming :) She spent the day at home with me while my parents went grocery shopping, singing, making a card for her bestfriend, eating my yummy chicken lettuce & mayo toasted sandwich, and then her friend Natasha came over. I woke up early to go to the gym, did running, rowing & cross trainer, didnt have too much energy so i left after 40 minutes. Headed to The local shopping centre, ordered two books from Dymocks, bought some things for Annie from Woolies, then headed home to see Annie. Oh i found a long beach white sarong/skirt thing that i can wear out, it was @ target, on sale for $15! I hate being limited to wearing only black shorts, i need more clothes..!
Went rock climbing with Rick at around 4 (it was so damn hot, its like climbing in a sauna after each climb we'd have to take a water break). It's like a whole body work out Rick said he could see my shoulder & Back muscles working out i was pretty much using my arms to get up instead of my legs pushing up (i want ripped arms like Ciara in like a boy music clip)
After rock climbing we had a nasty meal of pizza, kebab & hot chips (covered with hommos & bbq sauce yummo), then went for a bike ride to Fairfield City farm to catch the sun set. To get to this spot you have to ride up and down two massive hills we were rushing like mad cos we thought we were late our legs were completely dead from cycle the morning before & the marathon and pretty much all the active things we had already done on the weekend
On the way home, saw this LOL. "JEREMY IS EMO"
Jeremy is not emotional, cant believe they say Jeremy is emotional...Im gonna go cry now *sniff sniff*.....lol :).
hahaha Jeremy is emo
hehe jeremy is really emo ;)
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