It's a sad day today, Lis has gone on hiatus :(. So a picture tribute to her, i will miss her photo's!!
It was also sad weather wise today - rained on & off all day - FOOTY was cancelled boo hoo i was looking forward to playing (and wearing my new shorts & footy socks)
So instead i went to the gym for a flex session - upped my weights .. it was so hard! i'm expecting major soreness tomorrow. Did some intense running afterwards (thanks for letting me use your towel jeremy), then headed off to meet my cousin for a catch up session @ Santos. Had a tuna & avocado salad (i didnt want to ruin my work out with cakes & coffee!!)
Skyped with Rick when i got home for a bit (we went through the music quiz with his ITUNES playlist) haha his one turned out pretty funny too ~
i'm thinking of actually becoming a member of the gym too; i just need to find a source of income to pay for the $33 every fortnight.
also i updated my blog betty (:
aww you were so looking forward to wearing your new clothes too!
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