Me, Rick. Anne & Wade met up for dinner tonight, i wanted to try the new sushi train @ Parramatta (close to the station, under the escalators that go up to Hoyts)
Wade's first time eating Japanese, and we plan to take him to other different places too (he's only had aussie & italian food, and thai ? lol)
Pictures from Sushi train are here
Afterwards we had desert @ Max Brennars, another 1st time thing for Wade (this guy leads a sheltered life heeeheee). We had suckao's (we melt choc chip bits in milk to create our own hot chocolate)
Pictures from Max Brennars are here
I had to leave shortly after because i was meeting some friends for a coffee in Canley Heights. My friend is leaving next Sunday she's going to Europe by her self for 2 mths! She's hoping to find a 'the one' while she's overseas lol
She said she went to a tarot reader, and they told her she will have two men in her life. One has a bad temper, and the other one's mom will really like her *shrugss*
She's with a guy now that has a bad temper, they've been together for 2plus years, but the relationship isnt going anywhere.
I'm scared to see a tarot reader, whats the fun of having someone tell you what will happen in your life. Wouldn't you rather be surprised?? And if someone tells you blah blah, then you'll keep thinking that after you leave, and that could affect decisions that you make, there fore changing your future anyway...
And also its like starsigns, the things they tell you in your starsign, can apply to almost anybody who reads it. Eg, you will make a big decision this month - anyone can make a decision this month biig or small it could be small to someone else but big too you. Etc etc..
Anyway we had stickydate pudding, and bruscetta, average tasting nothing to special, there wasn't enough toffee sauce on the sticky date pudding!! The best sticky date pudding i've ever had was at.. Nick's Seafood, with Anita :) Rememeber Antsie Poo????
Piccies :)
HEY you didn't invite me to sushi train :(
ohhhhhhh i remember that stick date pudding haha also remember that bitch of a waiter!
such a sweet tooth hun :) i loved the blue eye cod fish pie we had there. It was soooooooo nice!
oh wow, there's a sushi train now? I didn't know that lol
max brennar...yummmmmmmm~~
great shot- and i'm with you on future predictions- either complete rubbish or steals the moment
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