A gift from the Starlight FOundation (in particular, Captain Starlight!)
They are AMAZING people they are constantly coming by to see Annie, giving her toys, things to do. Once Annie was sleeping and a lady came in she was all dressed up, and introduced herself to me as 'Captain Starlight' i find that so funny!
Annie, i am glad to say she is looking alot better these days, and is also more talkative. There was a long period of time where.. she was just down alot of the time, and sleeping alot. She is looking better, but we have no word from the doctors about her condition & how the tumour is going.
CAPTAIN STARLIGHT i met her, sucha energetic woman!
and made me a balloon dog!
her skin definately looks better babe and she's less secluded which is a good thing i reckon!
i'd love to meet captain starlight ;)
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