A candy raver (sometimes "kandy raver", "kandi raver", "Candee Child", "candykid", or "kandi kid") is a rave attendee who exchanges or shares small gifts, primarily beads, necklaces, bracelets, or stickers.
Candy ravers are most widely known (and sometimes identified) by their brightly coloured, often childish or even cartoony fashions, such as day-glo phat pants, black light reactive or glow-in-the-dark gear, and t-shirts featuring cartoon characters. Almost all can be spotted wearing a large number of homemade bracelets of plastic beads, known as "kandi". The bracelets are often given as gifts to remember past raves and commemorate new friendships.
Me, Anne, Rick, Pete & Wade went to a rave called UNITY tonight. The music was sooo good, i have NOT HEARD happy hardcore THIS GOOD in such a long time!!
Here's a random candyraver i got this shot of her as she turned around while dancing. I remember i used to make candy bracelets whenever i went raving, id start of with 10 and by the end of the night i'd given half of them away hehe
The night ended early we left at about 1.30am, we were all buggered! We used to be able to party till 7am!!!
The rest of the pics can be viewed here
remember when you didn't want to go home at 8am?
hey i'll tell you what
im that random girl =]
hahahahahaha i have never seen this pic before.
you still in sydney???
sorry heres url and stuff =]
add my msn if yah want
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