Four day week this week wooh0o :)
Will got an early mark today so him & his friend joined me for a 45 minute run in the hot sun (so exhausting, i prefer running at night/in the cold). I think i'm getting used to the route we need to change it up before we get bored hehe
I had this as a snack for quick energy strawberrys with nutella - real nice yummy :)
headed into the hospital afterwards. Annie is getting better! She has no more radiation, which means her mucasitis will go away and she'll get back to eating again. She only has chemo maybe only once a fortnight or les or more depending on how she goes, but its all up hill from now on she really seems like shes happier and has more energy, she talks more and no longer stares into space for long periods of time.
She even texts me now almost on a daily basis, i miss her so much even though i just saw her hehe !! :) Her sight is better although she has to close one eye to see things otherwise she gets double vision.
I'm so so so proud of her for being soooooo strong throughout all this kaos *HuggLez*
omg nice!!!
it looks like a chocolate lizard coming out of your strawberry hun!
i am so happy that annie is making such progress. i bet she is looking forward to eating again!
sounds like you have been a great support for her.
i'm sooo happy she's getting better with every day that passes, i'm stoked! i bet she can't wait to eat solid food too, that'll be a great day for her when it arrives :D
mmmm strawberries and nutella, YUM!
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