I had a girls night in with (L-R) ALicia & Nhuy my fav gym buddies :):)
We went grocery shopping and bought salad for dinner (i thought we were gonna pig out girls/!!??) haha well we did we were naughty and had a bag of kettles Chilli Chips, and choc dipped strawberries (using dark choccies for antioxidants!)
Had sooo much fun we watched random episodes of sex in the city, gossipped, drank abit of alco and Alicia cooked us Haloumi cheese- that was sooooooooooo nice
We left at about 2am ahhhhhhh had so so much fun laughed and giggled most of the night i cant wait to do it again ^.^
This was one of the many stupid fotos that we took, i was supposed to look down while Alicia and Nhuy looked left & right, Nhuy's idea lol
you look soooooooooo adorable there babe!
i love this photo!
sounds like my kind of night.
larv satc, big can swing by in his limo and pick me up anytime he likes...
ps. you all look fab!
i love girls night ins, they are so fun!
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