Went to spotlight with Jenny this afternoon, she wanted to buy some buttons for her skirt! i lOVE browsing spotlight, so many things i wanted to buy (things i didnt really need haha)
Afterwards, shopped around Westfields i bought some work clothes from Forecast (4 items for $80!! Bargain!!)
Headed to the gym afterwards even though i was sick, i refrained myself from running and kept it at a fast paced walk :) & also spent some time on the stepping machine, i hardly go on this because there is only 3 and weeknights - they are almost always taken..!!
Rick felt like lobster noodles so we went to Yummy Restaurant for dinner (what a name i know hehe). It lacked in flavour (and chilli!!)
I dont usually like to eat out at chinese places, only because i eat it at home all the time. I like trying other different foods, i wanna try out lebenese, mexican, i LOVEEE seafood :) Mmm i'm getting again hungry now ^.^
yeah babe mum reckoned it was pretty plain too. it wasn't flavoursome enought for me too!
after mexican we have to go to my favourite lebansese restaurant in newtown! :D
buttons! i luv buttons!
but spotlight is one of the most painful shops to visit i reckon...the service is always SO bad.
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