
13th OCtober 2008

I Bought some choccies, so Annie and my dad can take around to the nurses/oncology department, as a thank you for taking care of Annie since she's been admitted into the hospital a few months ago.

YummY! Lindt would have to be my fav, then old gold after that. I'm currently working my way through an old gold 70% dark chocolate, its helping me get through the stress of work hee hee :)

TOuch footy was on tonight, late game at 8pm. We lost... GGrrrr


Lis said...

what flavours are the brown and silver ferreros?

Anonymous said...

chocolate overload! they all look delicious...

rlam85 said...

mmm i reckon the lindt one is definately the nicest ;d
guylian isn't my thing... it's too marbly hehe