Her spinal fluid was building up again and giving her really bad headaches, they had to shove a tube in her head so that fluid can flow out into a machine instead of building up pressure in her head.
Tomorow she's getting another operation to make that tube go down into her stomach, apparently it is okay, the fluid just needs to go somewhere..
After the pain, the headache went away. Annie got bandaged up and we were all able to go in & see her. She's got like 2 shaved spots on her head now :|
My uncle & aunty, have come to see Annie almost everyday of the week since she's been in here they are so caring & loving.
she's so brave to endure that pain babe. I'll be there to support you both :)
she's so strong, she can still smile when she's going through all this. she has so much support around her, you guys are awesome.
think of you all often xx
babe - yeah she's the bravest girl i know she's always got positive force going on..
Lis - i'm really proud that she's handling this all so well i really cannot believe it.
i wanna come & visit agin =\
ill jig tkd & come to visit this week if i can ;D
just hope i can walk there after i get off at the t-way ;D
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