Touch footy comp started today- & will be on every Mondays. Our team name is called Obscure i think? & our colour is green (thanks Alicia for the greentop!) i need to go find my own green singlet hehe..
I never thought i'd ever play it cos i was never into any of that kind of sport ever. Never watched it never thought about or anything.
10 people on our team half chics half boys, 6 on the field at a time, 2 referees.
2 halves about... 15-20 minutes each i think it was. It wasn't bad! Confusing @ first, and lots of sprinting.
We lost so badly... lol i think it was like 5-1
Thanks Duy for the tips aswell, there was like 10 other tips given by the others so confusing >.<
Anyway the boys told us our homework is to watch the touch footy games on Friday nights there's one at 7.30 & another at 10.30
Us girls me Nhuy & Alicia are aiming for some hot bodz by the time summer comes around :P
After the game i suggested a 20 minute run & invited Jeremy along. 6 more sleeps till the city 2 surf!! yippee!!
touch footyy you go girl!
I can't wait till summer. Bruce bought me a bikini from the USA. =P cant wait to go to the beach. I didn't go swimming at all last summer =(.
Been doing heaps of those ab classes since january they really workkkk.
I think its about 17 weeks till summer O_o =(
best of luck for city to surf bet you will get an awesome time. Ooo are you dressing up for that? you know how some ppl wear silly costumes and stuff?
ooo bruce and I saw richard on saturday from a far distance at parra westfield. I think he was going down the escalators or something.
Haha glad you included the water bottle babe.
You need it.
All that gym and work out and youre training for city to surf AND playing touch footy?
you are an inspiration.
I am hopeless.
-ohhhh summer. we MUST go to the beach together! Abs i havent done abs in ages. 3 weeks ago i did 100 sit ups in a row that was majorly hurtful
thanks for the luck imma need it. nah not dressing up but richard said he'd wear bunny ears haha :P
I was with Richard on Saturday lol funny how you saw him but not me ?!
-I've put my gym membership on hold cos i dont have time to go, with being at the hospital everynight. But i run when i can which is probably 2-3 times each week, and yeah touch footy once a wk i just wana stay fit!
and i have you been going gym tsk tsk hehe
bugga i lost my comment.
I don't know the escalators were going down and we only got to see richards head as we were walking towards the direction of escalators.
either that richard must be really tall and we must be very short hehe
yay touch footy is fun!
i love playing sport.
i have 2 games of softball tomorrow, errrrr, i'm going to be soooo tired -_- i'm glad i'm not doing c2s on sunday! o_O
mmm touch footy sounds fun. i bet you'll get better each time you play babe!
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