My sister came home tonight!!!!!!!
I rang my dad at about 3 in the arvo to check up on him & Annie, and they told me the great news ohhhhhh sooo happy :)
I missed them at home soooooo so so much.
They've taken home medicine, pain meds, nausea meds, and everyday meds.
When i got home from work i quickly looked for chalk (i had JUST ENOUGH CHALK to write this)
I need to get the CHUNKY CHUNKY chalks, i was using the small chalkboard ones lol
i think you did a great job with the chalkboard chalk to make the letters thick enough.
YAYYYY, i'm so happy anne's home now! =D
yeah i know the chalk you're talking about hunnio :)
wanna try out making one of those pavement art thingos?
[lis] i scraped my fingers a few times on the pavement *ouch*
[babe] yeah lets go buy some chalk and graffitti my driveway so my dad can get angry hehe
that is fantastic news. i am so happy your sister is home. how is she feeling?
annies home??!! brilliant news, love the welcome home message too. how's she feeling? is her treatment going well?
so pleased for your family that she's back with you
That's such a cute gesture!
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