
6th June 2008

The sun decided to come out for abit this afternoon. Can you see the evil clouds chasing after it ?!? Pure evil. I hate the weather!!!

In winter i complain about the cold & in summer i complain of the heat - why can't it be Spring all year around hehe ^.^

Winter Pro's :
Hot choccies w/marshmallows = yum!!
Cuddling up with a blankie/sharing body heat with someone :)
The snow
Less sun (less skin cancery stuff)
Skin stays pale (i hate tanning!!)
Nice winter jackets & scarfs

Winter Con's :
Inevitable weight gain >.<
Too cold to want to go out
Finger's too cold to type (at work)
Too hard to get out of bed in the morning
Wearing too many layers makes your look fatter


rlam85 said...

the clouds aren't evil babe! yeah the weather's been pretty shithouse lately but it was pretty good yesterday!

Two fit and fun gals said...

yeah it was hun :) But not today .. :(