I Ate some of Richard's honey macadamia's- MMMMmmmmm YummO! I could of finished the whole container hehe...
Other nuts i also love are almonds, salted macadamia's, cashews, normal peanuts (salted!!) and pistachios' (yes, salted aswell) lol
And you know what goes EXCELLENT with nuts? Soya Crisps- YUM! ahh salty goodness hehe
yummmm macadamias!
i love the chocolate coated macadamias! i swear I could eat a whole box of them from haighs MmMmmm
THAT! my friend, is why i stay away from the choc coated ones LOL
i'll get you a whole box today ;)
yummmmmmm! macas are the BEST.
OMG are like the only person i know besides me who favors salted over plain. my mom can't stand them and we always fight over what we're going to have haha. i LOVE choco covered and salted macadamia nuts hmmm especially HOT ones. i was going to get sushi in the city b4 work, i think i might go get some nuts instead ** drool **
salted cashews are by far my fave other nut YUMMO
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